Hydration Tips from the SkinnDoc to Help Your Skin Make a Splash
The human body is mostly water: about 55% to 75%, on average (and depending on how well-hydrated you are). That’s about 10 to 12 gallons of water in your body! Water makes up about 83% of blood, 73% of muscles, 25% of body fat, and 22% of bone.
The Institute of Medicine recommends that men get about 125 ounces of water daily and that women get 91 ounces, but that includes water from all foods and beverages
The average person gets about 20% of their water for the day from food. An apple is 84% water. Bananas are 74% water. Broccoli is 91% water.
On average, you should take a rehydration break about every 20 minutes. Most people would stay adequately hydrated by drinking 5 to 10 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes. But your exact need depends on things like how hard you’re working, whether you are indoors or outdoors, and your age, gender, and weight.